Crafting tailored conservation and restoration strategies and treatments for modern and contemporary art is my forte. I execute these treatments at Conservation Studio in Basel, on-site at your location, art storage facilities, art fairs, or wherever your precious artwork is housed.



My keen eye meticulously assesses and examines artworks, generating detailed Condition Reports essential for sales, acquisitions, auctions, exhibitions, and loans. Additionally, I provide comprehensive Condition and Damage Reports to facilitate insurance claims.


Ensuring the longevity of your collection is my priority. I conduct thorough inspections and design maintenance strategies, ranging from minor to extensive conservation treatments. This includes fine-tuning climate conditions (temperature, humidity, light), along with creating concepts for proper handling, storage, and transportation of your artwork.


I offer insightful advice on materials and techniques, ensuring compatibility and longevity of your art project. Troubleshooting is my thing – consider me your artistic ally.


Empowering individuals in the art world, I provide hands-on training on the proper handling and storage of artworks, guiding you on preventing potential damages. Additionally, I share my expertise through engaging lectures and presentations on various aspects of modern and contemporary art conservation.